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如果你喜欢计划, 组织, 管理最后期限,从头到尾完成项目, 你可能会在项目经理的职业生涯中脱颖而出. 

如果你喜欢计划, 组织, 管理最后期限,从头到尾完成项目, 你可能会在项目经理的职业生涯中脱颖而出. 

如果你喜欢计划, 组织, 管理最后期限,从头到尾完成项目, 你可能会在项目经理的职业生涯中脱颖而出. 


项目经理 商务专业人士负责计划吗, executing 和 overseeing projects for organizations to ensure they are successful. 而项目经理的工作描述可能因行业而异, 组织部门, 这些商务人士是 通常期望

  • 与团队成员协调制定和管理项目计划, 包括可交付成果的预算和时间表
  • Lead technical staff, ensuring tasks are carried out efficiently 和 aligned with project objectives
  • 作为客户和供应商的主要联络人, 协调沟通和管理利益相关者的期望 

在项目经理的职业生涯, you can explore different work environments with employment opportunities existing across industries in both for-profit 和 nonprofit organizations. 周围 881,300名项目管理专家 were employed nationally, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Companies in professional, scientific 和 technical services were the 最大的雇主 这个行业的专业人士.


To lead their project teams to success, project managers may need to demonstrate the following 技能

  • 项目实施
  • 项目性能
  • 项目计划
  • 战略规划
  • 预测
  • 项目协调
  • 变更控制 
  • 里程碑 
  • 项目范围 
  • 业务流程
  • 产品设计 
  • 项目管理工具
  • 项目计划 
  • 纠正和预测措施(CAPA)
  • 项目管理协会(PMI)方法论
  • 敏捷方法
  • 过程改进
  • 变更管理


  • 团队管理 
  • 风险缓解
  • 风险管理
  • 风险评估
  • 组织文化
  • 领导方式创新
  • 项目监控
  • 质量控制
  • 业务价值



Critical thinking, organization, problem-solving, communication 和 time management are 软技能 你可能会发现作为项目经理的价值,劳工统计局说.

工资范围:74 - 129000美元

25 th -第75个百分位

到2023年,项目经理在第25和75个百分位数内 收入在74100美元到129690美元之间美国劳工统计局的全国统计数据显示.[1]



这一领域的工作预计会增加 增长6% 在2022年到2032年之间. 这 is faster than the average projected growth rate for all occupations, BLS reports.[1]

[1] The salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. 实际结果因多种因素而异, 包括之前的工作经验, 地理位置和个人特有的其他因素. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. Information for a specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website. The BLS Projected Growth for 2022-2032 is published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. 这 data reflects the BLS’ projections of national (not local) conditions. These data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.



要追求项目经理的职业道路,a 商科学士学位, project management or a related field is usually required, BLS states. If you aspire to work in software development or other technical industries, 你可以考虑在 计算机与信息技术 或工程.

证书 can also be beneficial while working toward the project manager career. Certificate programs can help you stay on top of the latest trends in your industry 和 hone 技能 you need in the real world in a shorter amount of time than a traditional degree. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜招收新学生 本科毕业证书 与项目经理职业相匹配的项目. These certificates are designed to support individuals who have already earned a bachelor’s degree 和 are looking to specialize or exp和 their expertise within a specific field. 

The 本科 和 graduate project management certificate programs can help you prepare for Project Manager Professional (PMP) certifying exam offered by 项目管理 Institute (PMI). 专业认证是一种方法 展示能力 和 establish credibility with potential clients 和 employers, according to BLS.

In the highlighted programs below, students work to complete one course at a time. Learn more about which of these programs — focused on teaching you the 技能 you’ll need in the project manager career — is right for you.


本科证书 — aligned to st和ards set the 项目管理 Institute (PMI) — can help prepare you for a career in project management, 让你具备帮助组织制定计划的技能, 执行和完成大的计划.


  • Apply the principles 和 practices of project management in a dynamic business environment to advance organizational goals
  • Apply problem solving adapted through project management techniques to address organizational challenges
  • Apply appropriate business tools, resources 和 processes to mitigate risk

这 certificate requires you to complete 18 credits 和 is seven months long. 每门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为期五周


研究生证书 — aligned to st和ards set by the 项目管理 Institute (PMI) — can help you build on concrete 技能 you can apply in your career as a project manager.


  • 估算项目成本和构建时间表
  • 使用项目管理软件
  • 管理和激励团队成员
  • 跟踪项目并测量进度

这 certificate requires you to complete 18 credits 和 is nine months long. 每门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为期六周.


While the Bachelor of Science in 业务 at University of Phoenix cannot independently prepare you for a career as a project manager, you can complete the Project Manager certificate in coordination with this degree. 学生们可以找到 Bachelor of Science in 业务 with a 项目管理 Certificate worthwhile as it can open doors to job opportunities aligned to both the 项目管理 Certificate 和 our Bachelor of Science in 业务 outcomes.



学生和毕业生可以访问我们的职业导航工具, 哪些可以帮助你评估职业选择, track career-relevant 技能 和 discover job postings suited to your needs. From resumé building 和 interview preparation to networking 和 mentorship, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜招收新学生 职业服务 for life to all students 和 graduates. 深入了解我们的 职业服务, resources 和 tools to find out how we can help you reach your goals.









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