Michele Mitchum著

院长Briana Houlihan, 副院长杰奎琳·凯利, and Associate Dean Susan Hadley explore methods for assessing 通识教育 learning outcomes while supporting student course selection freedom

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 自豪地宣布新白皮书的发布, 支持学生选择的通识教育评估程序.” Authored by Briana Houlihan, MBA, dean for the College of General Studies; Jacquelyn Kelly, Ph.D., 副院长; and Susan Hadley, Ph.D., 副院长, the paper provides a comprehensive approach to assessing 通识教育 learning outcomes in a flexible and student-centric manner.

“Our commitment to fostering a student-centered learning environment is at the heart of our 通识教育 assessment strategies,霍利汉说, who presented findings for the College’s 通识教育 curriculum mapping process at the 2024年美国高校协会会议. “通过不断改进我们的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,优先考虑学生的选择, we empower our students—many of whom balance their studies with work and family responsibilities—to pursue their academic and professional goals. This white paper underscores our dedication to creating meaningful and flexible educational pathways that align with our students' diverse needs.”

在传统模型中, 通识教育项目通常遵循规定的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜顺序, allowing for straightforward and linear assessment of learning outcomes at iterated learning levels. 然而, 这种强加的模式会限制学生的选择和灵活性, 特别适合有不同推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜表和教育需求的成人学习者. The new white paper addresses this challenge by presenting an innovative process that allows institutions to assess student learning and progression without rigid course sequencing.

“Balancing high academic standards with the need for flexibility is key to supporting our diverse student body,哈德利说。. “作为教育者, 我们有幸成为每个学生学习之旅的一部分, and our innovative approach reflects that understanding by ensuring students can tailor their educational paths to fit their lives while still achieving high-quality learning outcomes.”

The white paper outlines the University’s approach to developing 通识教育 Student Learning Outcomes that represent essential 21st Century Skills. It details the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy to design course assignments with increasing levels of rigor and explains how authentic assessments can be aligned to both Course and 通识教育 Student Learning Outcomes. 此外, 它描述了一个系统化的收集过程, 分析, and interpreting assessment data to identify learning gaps and drive curricular improvements or additional student support.

“Our focus on continuous improvement and data-driven insights ensures that we can adapt and evolve our curriculum to meet the needs of our students,凯利说。. “通过利用评估数据, 我们可以提供有针对性的支持和资源, 帮助学生克服挑战,在学业上取得成功.”

她的角色是 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜通识学院院长Houlihan是第一代和服务不足的在职学习者的强烈倡导者. She has made it her mission to enhance the skills focus within 通识教育 coursework to bring value to undergraduate students from day one of their program. 她在高等教育中为非传统在线学习者服务超过21年, 在学生服务部门任职, 学术事务, 以及学院和校园运营. Her diverse experience and authentic leadership style have allowed her to develop high-performing teams that put students at the center of everything they do. She holds a Master of 业务 Administration and a Post-Graduate Certificate in 项目管理 from the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 她住在亚利桑那州的凤凰城.

作为一个 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜副院长凯利在科学和数学教育方面拥有超过15年的经验. Her expertise lies in translating STEM education research into practice at institutions of higher education. Kelly earned her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Science 教育 from Arizona State University. Her master’s degree is in Materials Science and Engineering from Arizona State University, and her undergraduate degree is in Physics and Chemistry from California State University, 圣马科斯. She has been a principal investigator and co-principal investigator of multiple federal grant projects aimed at developing science education support for rural area K-12 teachers and student government science officer roles in K-12. 凯利以前的职位包括科学教学, 县教育服务机构教师评估员, 也是科学和数学教育者专业发展项目的项目主管.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜副院长, Hadley oversees the Bachelor of Arts in English degree as well as the non-STEM general education catalog, 包括“第一年学生体验”推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 哈德利在高等教育领域工作了20多年,担任过各种院长职务, 作为一名不同学位的教员, 作为数十所高校的顾问. She has advised higher education institutions throughout the country regarding academic program structure and design, 认证, and academic policies and procedures incorporating operational and educational best practices. 哈德利在塞布鲁克大学获得心理学博士学位, Emporia州立大学英语文学硕士学位, 获得黑斯廷斯学院英语文学学士学位, 获得Bellevue University的商业管理学士学位.

完整的白皮书可在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网站下载 思想领导中心 or 通过这个直接链接.


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